Actor Prakash Raj stole the spotlight at the closing ceremony of the International Film Festival of Kerala, held on Friday, December 15, in Thiruvananthapuram. Expressing his joy to be in Kerala, he commended the warmth, love, and unique beliefs of the state, affectionately referred to as "God's Own Country”.
“My darling Kerala, it is always a joy to be here, for the warmth, for the love, for the beliefs you have, and especially for being the God’s Own Country, you keep god away from politics,” he said.
The ceremony also honoured veteran Polish director Krzysztof Zanussi with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Zanussi, despite acknowledging political differences with Kerala in the past, praised the state for the accolade.
Emphasizing the transcendence of art beyond politics, he spoke about the human values depicted in his films, such as 'goodness, beauty, and truth.' Zanussi expressed hope in Dostoevsky's belief that beauty could save the world, especially in the face of the risks posed by technological advances and Artificial Intelligence.
Prakash Raj, following Zanussi's address, lauded the film festival for being untainted by ideologies. He delved into the recent parliamentary attack, questioning if there would be a narrative exploring the frustrations leading to such incidents, such as unemployment and unanswered issues like Manipur. He criticized the prevailing political narratives and described the media's coverage as a "group of journalists fighting like jokers" for TRPs.
Amid these challenging conditions, Prakash Raj found solace in being among the people of Kerala, praising the opportunity for discussion, observation, and listening. The actor highlighted the need for a narrative that goes beyond political rhetoric and delves into the root causes of societal issues.
The event thus became a platform not just for celebrating cinema but for fostering dialogue on pressing social and political issues.