New Delhi: Hollywood lady star Gal Gadot, the 'Wonder Woman' actor, who welcomed her fourth daughter Ori last March, said that she had a “massive” blood clot diagnosed during eight months of pregnancy. She said that she shared her experiences on the illness with her fans, promising that it is treatable.
Gadot shared a picture of her with her newborn daughter from the hospital bed on social media. She looks wistfully at her little one in the picture while holding a coffee glass.
She wrote in a post, "This year has been one of profound challenges and deep reflections, and I've wrestled with how, or even if, to share a personal story. At the end, I decided to let my heart guide me."
"Perhaps this is my way of processing everything, of pulling back the curtain on the fragile reality behind the curated moments we share on social media. Most of all, I hope that by sharing, I can raise awareness and support others who may face something similar."
"In February, during my eighth month of pregnancy, I was diagnosed with a massive blood clot in my brain. For weeks, I had endured excruciating headaches that confined me to bed, until I finally underwent an MRI that revealed the terrifying truth."
"In one moment, my family and I were faced with how fragile life can be. It was a stark reminder of how quickly everything can change, and in the midst of a difficult year, all I wanted was to hold on and live," she detailed the ordeal she and her family went through.
Gal continued, "We rushed to the hospital, and within hours, I underwent emergency surgery. My daughter, Ori, was born during that moment of uncertainty and fear. Her name, meaning "my light," wasn't chosen by chance."