Global fight against terrorism

The United Nations on Friday unanimously approved a resolution calling on the governments to unite and ‘take all necessary measures’ to battle the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq that is rapidly advancing across the world threatening global peace and security.

The resolution against the "unprecedented threat" of the IS adopted by the 15-member Council was drafted by France after the deadly Paris attacks by the insurgents killed 120 people last week and also their threatening to attack Brussels. The resolution allows the nations to fight the terrorist group by all means necessary. Rarely do the global countries reach a joined consensus on a matter easily in the UN. Even though Russia which initiated a military offensive against the IS hubs in Syria had prepared a similar resolution on September 30 this year, some of the members of the Security Council were not able to accommodate it. Criticisms arose from several sides that Russia was trying to bolster Bashar al Assad’s government along with targeting the centres of Syrian Opposition. It was amid this clutter that France initiated the resolution for ‘international mobilisation’ to fight a common enemy with the members passing it unanimously. Renowned international war correspondent and writer Robert Fisk had pointed out that the time of the world nations quenching their blood thirst in foreign soils and then staying peacefully, was over.

The world nations joining hands to fight against the insurgents is laudable; but they should prove their social commitment and loyalty driven by humanity, the lack of which has led to the rise and growth of such terrorist organizations. The countries that met to establish global peace are the ones that actually pave way for terrorism and its expansion. Russian president Vladimir Putin during the G20 summit last week, pointed out that the IS insurgents received funds from 40 countries. He presented the Russian satellite images of ‘endless truck columns’ that clearly showed the scale of illegal trade in oil and petroleum products from the IS.  Putin’s interests of backing the Syrian autocracy and opposing the Islamic State is known to all. But his statements in the case of the IS militants are very clear. The terrorist group is continuing to expand their hold on the nations. The fact that nobody seems to claim responsibility for them and their activities is indigestible. For the fight against terrorism to be effective, the world needs to be aware of their enemy. Let the collective anti-IS campaign by the world nations uproot the terrorist group. Whether it would be possible for the nations is what would be determining their victory in the battle against terrorism.