Collaboration in businesses are somewhat similar to a marriage
text_fieldsIn a business collaboration, a person has to be "resourceful" enough to collaborate maintain and keep building his/her own individual entity actively contribute in a collaboration and help in its maintenance and management. The same holds true in a marriage.
A good business collaboration is one where both entities are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, where they know they can be vulnerable yet strong enough to give and receive help. An effective and impactful business collaboration requires two entities that are consistently working on refining their models, methods and systems so that they can continue to have mutual respect and a win-win situation. It's one where neither party feels being treated unfairly or unethically. The same is true in a marriage.
The husband and wife need to keep working on themselves, filling their own cups and being resourceful enough for a great marriage. Refining their strengths and improving on their weaker areas in personal and professional life, being open to giving and receiving help will lead to an impactful marriage.
An impactful marriage just like an impactful business collaboration requires the husband and wife to be consistently working on their own personal and professional lives, on taking care of their own mind, body and soul so that the abundance mindset and way of living prevents or reduces the chances of conflicts that are too complex to be resolved or creating a barrier that's unbreakable across different areas of life, across generations.
When conflicts arise in a business collaboration, both entities need to sit down and take turns to calm themselves down and eventually calming the other to figure out the bugs in the processes and the people involved, in the methods, models and systems, individually and collectively. They both need to work out ways to do debugging as an individual entity as well as part of the collaboration while keeping the bigger picture in mind of impact and growth for all concerned, the nation, humanity and family, across generations.
Identifying the bugs in the system collectively in the collaboration can seem like an easy task but it might slowly, consciously or unconsciously drift towards identifying the bug in the individual entities and creating conflicts. It is the failure to realize, to accept and acknowledge that debugging at an individual level can help significantly to debug at the collective level in a collaboration in businesses and in marriages.