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Restructuring life after job loss in aviation


New Delhi: If there was one innovation that made the world so tiny that you could have your breakfast in New York, lunch in London and dinner a thousand miles away it is "Flying."

It truly changed the way we lived until about a month ago and everything was grounded. Aviation is one of the few industries requiring a massive cash infusion and yet runs on slimmest margins. The biggest victim of COVID-19 pandemic is undoubtedly Airlines across the globe.

A renowned consulting group has also predicted that most Airlines globally will go bankrupt by May. Even the biggest Airlines in the world are looking up to the Governments hopefully. Without government support, many won't be able to reinstate soon if they ever will.

What does it mean for the workforce?

COVID-19 has been spreading its heatwaves in over 194 countries already brining life to the state of inertia. Undoubtedly there is no bigger loss than the loss of life, but those who are fortunate enough to stay safe from the virus, have a bigger challenge to face.

The world's biggest financial agencies are predicting a bigger recession than what the world saw in 2008. The catastrophe is far from over, at least financial in months to come. Especially in Aviation, where people are being laid off in large numbers. While the virus did not give us a chance to prepare for the catastrophe, fortunately, we still can plan our lives for the near future.

No matter how adverse the situation may be, we choose to see the bright side and make life meaningful. On April 15, global airlines' grouping International Air Transport Association (IATA) noted that more than 20 lakh jobs are at risk in India's aviation sector. That number is really big & people working in the sector have probably started to feel the heat.

Accept the Truth & Be Mindful

One of the biggest pains that we endure ourselves is the absence of self-compassion. We always tell others that "don't worry it'll be fine" if something is wrong, but how often do we turn towards ourselves and give us a little care and compassion?

Even without judging the situation and collecting the tools we're going to need to fight, we get into the problem-solving mode immediately. That's our first mistake. So if you've already lost your job or you feel uncertain about it, tell yourself that you're not the only one, even your country isn't the only one. The whole world is fighting it. That's some relief.

It may sound counterintuitive, but it has worked for soldiers fighting in extremely dangerous conditions, take a step back from the heat. You're going to need to work harder than ever and you're going to need a much stronger and healthy mind. That's your only tool. Practice Mindfulness and Build some Resilience.

Create a Better You

Life is going to be different from what it used to be. If you think all your plans for your future are ruined, think again, almost everyone had one plan that's ruined already. Instill Murphy's law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." It's time to accept the change and move towards fixing it.

Businesses are going to need multi-skilled people. They are going to get more work done with fewer people. While you still have time, upskill yourself. Learn a few new skills to stay in the horse race. Flight attendants who are already trained in life-saving skills may find it useful to make a shift towards the healthcare industry.

The world has already seen the truth about their healthcare system. A lot of research and work needs to be done to strengthen the not so strong healthcare infrastructure globally. They are going to need plenty of skilled people like you.

Another industry that you might want to train yourself for is, Education. It's not much affected by Economic variations and India has an acute shortage of skilled teachers throughout the country. Again look after your mind, It's the source of all the great ideas.

Reshape Your Life

No one alive today could never have imagined the current state. Undoubtedly it's an absolute catastrophe, people have lost their lives, families have lost loved ones. But for the fortunate ones, it's only the opportunity to reshape your life. People who made millions or billions could not convince the virus to spare them with all the money they made exchanging their peace and mental wellbeing.

Scientists have done countless studies and have discovered that humans are hyper coordinated species. Throughout our evolution, we have been sharing the bond of love, care & gratitude. We all know we are losing our ultra sociology and no wonder we are in so much chaos like broken marriages, relationships, kids losing the values, mental disorders, living stressful lives. This is the result when something loses its originality. Why not invest in your relationship with self and social relations? Train your mind to express gratitude and compassion for others along with yourself.

Tomorrow Is Brighter Than Today

With all the hardships prevailing our lives today, we know that Aviation is no longer is luxury, it's a need for modern life. Since Airlines in India majorly depend upon domestic travel, we can still hope for a speedy recovery. India is fortunately in a better position as compared to other developing and developed countries like the US, UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, France.

Life will get back to the track sooner than we realise. Many who lost their jobs are turning back to refuel their old passion, some have taken the challenge in their own hands and have become innovators. For the rest, you can't be out of the job for long. But If you need a break and can afford it, spend it on your mental wellbeing.

A healthy and mindful mind is what you need to live a meaningful life.

(Sitender Sehrawat is a Motivational Speaker and Life Coach; opinions are personal)

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